" Joanna's most welcome strength in her postpartum services is her focus on caring for the mother's physical and mental well-being, often overlooked, but much needed in today's baby-centric society. Joanna supported me in repairing and strengthening my new self such that I could be at my best for my little one. She's an excellent guide for new moms." Jennifer G.

n. a woman experienced in childbirth who provides advice, information, emotioinal support and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth
Postnatal Doula Service
On your postnatal journey, your family's wellness is enhanced with:
Information about basic baby care
Information about breast and bottle feeding
Help with light housework, meal preparation, and care for older siblings.
Emotional support for the mother and family
Strategies for caring for twins and triplets
Infant massage with lessons
Belly binding
Referrals to resources in the community
Organizing and managing your visitor schedule (upon request)
Support with breast feeding and bottle feeding (tips for success)
Medicinal cooking for ideal postnatal nutrition and healing
Tips for sleep adjustment
Practical support for your new baby's wellness
Guidance on newborn care (bathing, cord care, reading baby's cues, calming techniques)
Baby care while you rest
Support in processing your birth experience
Herbal and homeopathic remedies by request
Light housekeeping and organizational support in the home
Superior resources for anything you need in the city
Baby wearing advice and resources
A back-to-work protocol: pumping, new roles in your partnership, childcare, and self-care
My commitment and word to serve your family in deep integrity and confidentially
Discounts on postnatal massage, abdominal therapy, vaginal steam baths, and placenta encapsulation services.
20$ an hour, 3 hour minimum
Add ons
Vaginal Steam Bath $39
Massage $59
Abdominal herbal compress $25
Foot Reflexology 30 minutes $29
Herbal Tea for postnatal mamas $13
Padsicles (to heal the perinium) $25
Full body herbal steam bath $50