She touched her scars
Reminding herself how beautiful they are
Gracing her body like the stars
Across an endless sky
Aligning perfectly in time
Eternally sacred lines
Following the map they provide
The stories of her children
Our greatest blessings
Brought to life
- @fullcirclepoet
Artwork @spiritysol
I have heard many stories from mamas about how traumatizing their birth was, both from women who had a vaginal birth and also ones who wanted a vaginal birth but they ended up with a belly birth.
Birthing Mamas, please be kind to yourself! You're not alone in this. Please, honor the feelings you have about having the unplanned belly birth. Grieve it, don't hold back, then let... it.... go.
Celebrate the absolute magic, and hard work it took for your body to create a sweet little miracle. YOU STILL BIRTHED YOUR BABY. BELLY BIRTH IS BIRTH!
Your body is absolutely incredible. You are a f&*%ing warrior!