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Mayan Abdominal Womb Massage



When the uterus is in proper position, it is open to receiving the optimal amount of oxygen and nutrient rich blood available. Detoxifying lymphatic flow and nerve communication is also increased, encouraging optimal uterine health. 

Maya Abdominal Massage

Maya Abdominal Massage

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Book a Complimentary Virtual Evaluation

We have the opportunity to connect through a phone call or video chat. During this time, can share your medical history, symptoms, objectives, and desires.

Afterward, we can determine the most suitable treatment plan for you. 


Herbal & Life Style Recommendations
60 minutes $195

Includes the bodywork, health history review, herbal and supplement recommendations. 


Fertility Package
90 minutes $160

Womb massage, hot stones, cupping (when appropriate) Celluma light therapy and Herbal pelvic steam bath, and fertility tea.
No consultation.

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Mayan Abdominal Massage

Womb Massage, Sobada de Martiz para matriz caida, also know as 
Maya Abdominal Therapy  is an age old traditional healing therapy. It is noninvasive, massage technique that gently manipulates the muscles and connective tissue that hold the organs in place. The intention is to guide organs (such as the uterus) to their proper position, releasing physical and emotional congestion and blockages. 

How does it work?

When internal organs such as the uterus are in proper position, they are open to receiving all of the nutrient/oxygen rich blood available. It also allows for optimizing detoxifying lymphatic flow, nerve communication  and chi. These are all essential in preventing, and healing disease. This therapy aims at getting the reproductive system in its optimum state of health.
Common Symptoms Relieved By This Holistic Treatment:
  • Fertility Challenges

  • Displaced or prolapsed uterus and or bladder

  • Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation

  • Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation

  • Bladder or yeast infections

  • Miscarriages, difficult pregnancies

  • Endometriosis

  • Peri-menopause, menopausal symptoms

  • PMS/Depression with menstruation

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Pelvic congestion, painful intercourse

  • Chronic constipation

  • Digestive issues

Causes of a Displaced Uterus/ Matriz Caida

 The uterus is suspended by ligaments, which allow it to  double in weight during menses, stretch for pregnancy, and move freely when the bladder and colon are full.  These ligaments can weaken and loosen causing the uterus to move out of position. Some common reasons of a displaced uterus are:

  • Falls, car accidents, blows to the pelvic region

  • Wearing high heel shoes

  • Running on cement surfaces

  • High impact aerobics, gymnastics, dancing,  horseback riding

  • Carrying heavy burdens during menstruation, and too soon after child birth

  • Weak  pelvic floor muscles

  • Surgery to the pelvic region

  • Chronic constipation

  • Emotional armoring from sexual abuse or rape

What to Expect in a Session & Consultation
  • Review of your health history 

  • Herbal remedies &  home care recommendations,  Nutritional and or lifestyle education & recommendations 

  • Custom treatment plan

  • Bodywork customized to healing, cleansing and rejuvenating the womb

  • Thermotherapy focused on increases blood flow and warming the womb

  • Deep pelvic and abdominal work (modifications are made during your period)

  • Ventosas (cupping), as needed

  • Self care recommendations

  • Expect to be sore the days following your deep abdominal massage

  • Uterine purge with excess discharge is normal

  • Change in ovulation/cycle are normal and may or may not occur.

What to Expect in a Session without a Consultation

  • Bodywork customized to healing, cleansing and rejuvenating the womb

  • Thermotherapy focused on increases blood flow and warming the womb

  • Deep pelvic and abdominal work (modifications are made during your period)

  • Ventosas (cupping), Moxa, as needed

  • Self  massage instruction

  • Expect to be sore the days following your deep abdominal work

  • Uterine purge with excess discharge is rare, but can occur

  • Change in ovulation/cycle are normal and may or may not occur.

Add On Services: 

Herbal Poultice- $30 

An herbal poultice is a paste made 100% of organic herbs and plant oils that we apply directly over your womb. We then wrap the herbs to your body and ask that you leave it on for at least 3 hours. The herbal mixture we use is meant to aid in healing, cleanse the uterus, and decrease inflammation. 

Yoni/Pelvic Steam- $45

This is a traditional healing hydrotherapy that brings a warmth, circulation and antioxidants to the womb. Learn more here.

Celluma Light Therapy- $45 

Celluma light therapy is great specifically for those looking to increase fertility. 

Light therapy works by repairing damaged cells and increasing their activity. 

This low-level light therapy activates the mitochondria in the cell to produce more ATP, creating more energy for the cell. This improves overall reproductive health.  Learn more here

Fertility Package- $160

This is a 1.5-hour treatment including womb massage, celluma red light therapy, and herbal Yoni steam bath. Book after your period has ended. If you get your period during this appointment, the womb massage will be modified with lighter techniques, and you will still be able to do the light therapy.
We do recommend booking another appointment after your cycle has ended, to receive a deeper therapeutic massage. Click here to book now

How to prepare for your session:
  • Ideally, please DO NOT BOOK AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED TO CONCEIVE. This means you have seamen in your womb and have ovulated. If you book after you have tried to conceive, we will have to modify the techniques. 

  • Book after your period ( if you get your period, we have can modify to bodywork that helps cleanse the uterus)

  • If you book a consultation, fill out the online intake 24 hours before your appointment (link in email)

  • Be on an empty stomach (small meal 2 hours prior is ok)

  • Try to use the restroom before your appointment

  • Try to avoid foods that cause bloating, caffeine or alcohol before your session

  • Bring a faja, or warm clothes such as a sweatshirt to retain the heat from after your session

  • Expect to be sore in the days following you deep abdominal massage




When should I book? 

Please book after your period if you are currently trying to conceive every month. This will ensure you are not pregnant at the time of your appointment. If you get your period at the time of your appointment, we will modify the techniques to aid in your body's natural cleansing cycle. We also recommend adding the herbal poultice or light therapy during your period.  

How does Maya abdominal therapy/womb massage work?

This external massage gently lifts and guides the uterus into its optimal position in the lower pelvis. The uterus is held in position by over 10 ligaments. Ligaments, when stressed or strained cause the uterus to become mal-positioned. If the uterus is mal-positioned, women experience a multitude of symptoms.

Can I incorporate Maya abdominal therapy/womb massage while undergoing IUI/IVF?

Yes! Womb massage and herbal vaginal steam baths highly compliment IVF & IUI. 

I've had a Hysterectomy - how does Maya abdominal therapy help?

People who have had hysterectomies benefit greatly from Maya Abdominal Massage/womb massage as well. The technique improves circulation in and around the area of the scar and allows for proper flow of the lymph, which often becomes blocked after surgery, resulting in swelling, burning and deep aching pains in the pelvis. By using womb massage techniques on a regular basis, scar tissue will be prevented from forming our reduced in the pelvis after surgery. Ligaments and other remaining organs are benefited from improving circulatory flow to the pelvis.

How does Maya abdominal therapy/womb massage help with Cesarean births? 

For people who have had a cesarean birth, this technique is beneficial for breaking up scar tissue in the same way it works for women who have had hysterectomies. It also accelerates healing and helps clear away inflammation and bloating. It may relieve pain caused by the scar tissue. It is recommended to have the womb massage 3 months post belly birth. 

How does Maya abdominal therapy/womb massage help with digestion? 

Many anxieties and emotions through life are stored in our body's tissues and organs. A very common place is in the organs of the digestive system. Those so called "butterflies in your stomach" can lead to constipation, indigestion, heartburn, gastritis, and eventually to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gasto Esophageal Reflux (GERD), Crohn's, and more. 

Stresses, emotions, surgery, injury or posture cause the small intestine and colon to be "twisted or kinked" leading to blockages in the flow of peristalsis. Surrounding fascia creates adhesions that mal-position organs and impede proper blood flow and enzyme secretions. Maya Abdominal Massage helps to break down fascial adhesions or scar tissue and removes any "kinks" in the digestive tract. Often there is a dramatic improvement after just one session when combined with proper diet and self-care. 

Will womb massage help with digestion problems following abdominal surgery? 

Scar tissue and fascial adhesions can often cause problems with digestion after abdominal surgery. Maya Abdominal Massage helps to break down the scar tissue and adhesion from past or present surgeries. A few sessions combined with castor oil packs, diet, and self care are often used depending on the restriction for optimal success.  Abdominal massage is contraindicated immediately following abdominal surgery, allow 4-6 weeks or at the consent of your physician. 

Is Uterine Massage recommended for everyone? 

Almost every woman, even those who have had hysterectomies can benefit greatly from Maya Uterine Massage through improved circulation, lymphatic drainage and a decrease in the formation of scar tissue.

Uterine massage is not performed: 

  • Within the first 6 weeks following a normal vaginal delivery or the first 3 months after a cesarean birth.

  • For a woman using an IUD for birth control

  • Active infection or if cancer is present or suspected anywhere in the pelvis, or the client is undergoing chemotherapy for this condition

  • During pregnancy

  • Hiatal Hernia - gentle touch only

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