Herbal Yoni Steam Baths
We use all organic herbs & ultra purified water.
Herbal vaginal steam baths also known as Yoni Steam Baths, Bajos & Chai Yok have been used around the world for centuries to foster good uterine health.
Vaginal steam baths are used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus for the treatment of numerous female symptoms. Since 2011, we have offered organic herbal Yoni steam baths in San Diego to hundreds of women.
How does it work?
The formulation of a vaginal steam bath consists of aromatic, cleansing herbs that will penetrate into the uterine wall.
The therapeutic effects of thermotherapy and aromatherapy contribute to the effectiveness of this treatment.
Overall the bath aids as a uterine lavage or internal cleanse of the membranes that often accumulate incompletely flushed debris/fluids from cycle to cycle. In addition, the bath introduces healing warmth and softens and nourishes internal membranes.
Consider adding vaginal steam baths to your self care routine if you experience:
Painful or irregular periods
Fertility issues
Scar tissue
Cervical stenosis
Vaginal dryness
Painful intercourse
Dark blood at the beginning or ending of your menstrual cycle
Yeast or bacterial infections
Encouraging and preparing for labor
am bath
vaginal steam bath
Chai yok

Yoni Steam Bath in San Diego
Am I ever exposed during the vaginal steam bath?
No. The client is never exposed at anytime during any treatment at Rebirth. This relaxing treatment is done in a private setting.
When should I schedule my vaginal steam bath?
The time you should steam will depend on the issue you are having. We can make custom recommendations during the lifestyle/herbal consultations. It is best to have a consultation before the steam.
If you do not wish to have a consultation, you can book the steam as long as you are not on your period and are not before 38.5 weeks pregnant.
What if I am currently trying to conceive?
If you are actively trying to conceive every month, it is best to book the vaginal steam bath after your period.
How do I prepare for my steam bath?
It is recommended to bring warm clothes for after your steam to retain heat. You can also bring a faja to wear after.
*Never do a vaginal steam bath before 38.5 weeks of pregnancy
*Do not steam if you have an active infection in the vaginal area.
* Do not steam during your menstrual cycle.
*Do not steam after getting waxed or if you have sensitive skin.
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